Thursday, September 5, 2013

KALI Raspberry PI

I have a raspberry Pi that has been sitting around my house gathering dust. Recently I saw the Kali Linux has a version for ARM architecture.

I set out to install Kali (a new BackTrack) on the device. In an attempt to have a box I can always access.  The Kali Pi plugs into the back of a ASUS (DD-WRT) RTN-16 router. I have NOT tried to power the Pi from the USB port attached on the router.

While attempting to write this article (get the Kali PI up and running) I have started over from scratch more times then I would like to admit (about 5). I do not view these as failed attempts, but as a refresher Linux course. I have not had direct usage of a Linux based system in almost 4 years and make of my skills are rusty (or non existent). Also I'm pretty lazy.

1.) Follow these instructions
    Use image for PI located here ""
    Use WinRAR to extract folder "kali-linux-1.0-armel-raspberrypi.img" > Open folder
    Using Fedora ARM ""
        Select "kali-custom-rpi.img" and proceed to flash your card.

At this point your SD card will have used about 4 GB of space. It's important to notice that since we flashed the SC CARD your card will only be as large as the size of the file you flashed from. In other words, that 15GB SD card is going to have about 10 GB of unallocated space.  DON'T GO INSTALLING EVERYTHING JUST YET!

2.) Hook up a keyboard to your PI and Boot the device (plug in the USB power). At this point we want to just start the SSH Server. Additionally this step requires some form of a Network Scanner. I suggest NMap just make a quick scan of your local network ("nmap -T4 -F")

    root     <WAIT>
    toor     <WAIT>
    service ssh start
    <Run your NMap Scan to locate the IP of your Kali PI> 
You can now remove the keyboard attached to your PI. The only things plug into the little box should be Ethernet Cable, USB Power, and SD CARD.
3.) Installing 'raspi-config' (Access box using KiTTY or PuTTY)
Thank you internet!

dpkg -i triggerhappy_0.3.4-2_armel.deb
dpkg -i lua5.1_5.1.5-4_armel.deb
dpkg -i raspi-config_20121028_all.deb
<--    END    --]

Enter the following Commands:

       Select 'expand_rootfs'      <~ Fill that card
       Select 'ssh'                <~ Enable ssh on startup

4.) Install xRDP
Scan your network for Kali Pi
    apt-get install xrdp  <~ Will need to do this from remote terminal
    service xrdp start           
Now all you do is need to connect to the box from your windows computer. 

    At this point in the the PI does not have a STATIC IP.
    'service xrdp start' has not been configured to start on startup.